Housing, Healthcare, and Hope
A Demonstration Program by WGMC
What is this program?
This program seeks to address both the housing and healthcare needs of its participants. Participants in this program have become housing insecure due to the pandemic. These individuals were identified by Will County and placed into some type of temporary housing. In collaboration with other community organizations, WGMC is assessing the needs of participants with the goal of returning them to permanent housing. Our main role is to maintain case management with these clients for all of their medical needs. WGMC is providing participants with one-on-one care coordination for primary care, specialty care, diagnostic tests and labs, at home management tools, and more.
Meet One of Our Participants: Charles
Charles was referred to us when he was staying in a shelter. He has successfully been placed into transitional housing with the assistance of community organizations. WGMC works one-on-one with Charles to help him overcome the barriers he faces in relation to access to healthcare. We facilitate transportation to medical visits, assistance with scheduling appointments, and aid in navigating health insurance. When Charles needed a tablet to communicate with our care coordinators, healthcare providers, and supportive friends and family, we ensured he had access to one. Charles now has a medical home and access to medication for his severe arthritis. This program has allowed Charles to get back on his feet while getting his chronic conditions under control.